There are 135 Twinning opportunities in NEPHEWS, where inexperienced Twinning guests can be hosted by experienced host user groups in participating NEPHEWS facilities for a measurement in the area or technique pertinent to the area in which the Twinning guest is working in and where they are seeking practical experience. The twinning participant will gain inside knowledge of the technique, the measurement opportunities, knowledge of analysis methods as well as the preparations necessary for a successful proposal and measurement.
There are 135 Twinning opportunities in NEPHEWS – note that there are almost 70 at the large neutron sources such as ILL, ISIS, and PSI SINQ, intended to help train and prepare the next generation of neutron users; 12 more twinning opportunities at the other neutron sources MLZ, BNC, and CANAM NPL; at FELs there are 10 opportunities at the EuXFEL, 12 more at the IR FELs at ELBE, FELIX and TARLA; and then an additional 32 twinning opportunities at the synchrotrons located at ALBA, DESY, ELETTRA, HZB, ISA, MAXIV, SOLARIS and SOLEIL.
Learn more by visiting: – and register on that page.
This is a rolling/continuous call and allocation of Twinning places may occur throughout the year.