Wojciech Paszkowicz
Instytut Fizyki PAN
al. Lotników 32/46
02-668 Warszawa
email: paszk at ifpan.edu.pl
http: www.ifpan.edu.pl
krótki życiorys naukowy:
Magister fizyki, specjalniość: fizyka doświadczalna, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1974
Doktor Nauk Fizycznych, Instytut Fizyki PAN, 1992
przebieg pracy zawodowej:
1974 - 1986 - asystent/adiunkt - Instytut Badań Jądrowych i Instytut Energii Atomowej w Świerku
1986 - 1992 - asystent, Instytut Fizyki PAN
1984 - 2006 - adiunkt - Instytut Fizyki PA
zainteresowania naukowe:
Eksperymentalne i numeryczne metody rentgenowskiej dyfrakcji proszkowej, dyfrakcja w warunkach niskiej/wysokiej temperatury i wysokiego ciśnienia.
wybrane prace:
Paszkowicz W, Dynowska E, Peun T, "High pressure-high temperature diffraction study of MnTe using synchrotron radiation" Acta Physica Polonica A 91, 939-944 (1997)
Paszkowicz W, Dynowska E, Zytkiewicz ZR, Dobosz D, Otto JW, "High-pressure diffraction study of Ga1­xAlxAs" Acta Physica Polonica A 91, 993-996 (1997)
Paszkowicz W., Górecka J, Domagała J, Dmitruk N, Varshava SS, Härtwig J, Ohler M, Pietraszko A, "X-ray characterization of GaAs:Zn gas-transport grown whiskers using conventional and synchrotron sources" Acta Physica Polonica A 91, 997-1002 (1997)
Paszkowicz W, Dynowska E, Peun T, "Investigation of compression and thermal expansion of a-MnTe using a cubic-anvil X-ray diffraction press" Advances in X-Ray Analysis 40, 698-703 (1998)
Paszkowicz W, Szuszkiewicz W, Dynowska E, Domagała J, Witkowska B, Marczak M, Zinn P, "High-pressure-high-temperature study of Hg1-xMnxS" Journal of Alloys and Compounds 286, 208-212 (1999)
Pełka JB, Paszkowicz W, Dłuzewski P, Brust M, Kiely CJ, Knapp M, Czerwosz E, "Characterisation of thin films containing Au and Pd nanoparticles by grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction and related methods" Journal of Alloys and Compounds 328, 248-252 (2001)
Pełka JB, Paszkowicz W, Wawro A, Baczewski LT, Seeck O, "Structural study of Co/Gd multilayers by X-ray diffraction and GIXR" Journal of Alloys and Compounds 328, 253-258 (2001)
Pełka JB, Paszkowicz W, Dłuzewski P, Dynowska E, Wawro A, Baczewski LT, Kozłowski M, Wiśniewski A, Seeck, O, Messoloras S, Gamari-Seale H, "Structural and magnetic study of Co/Gd multilayers deposited on Si and Si-N substrates" Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 34, A208-A213 (2001)
Paszkowicz W, "High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction at the turn of the century" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 198, 142-182 (2002)
Paszkowicz W, Knapp M, Podsiadło S, Kamler G, Pełka JB, "Lattice parameters of aluminium nitride in the range 10-291 K" Acta Physica Polonica A 101, 781-785 (2002)
Paszkowicz W, Pełka JB, Knapp M, Szyszko T, Podsiadło S, "Lattice parameters and anisotropic thermal expansion of hexagonal boron nitride in the 10-297.5 K temperature range" I>Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 75, 431-435 (2002)
Pełka JB, Paszkowicz W, Gierłowski P, Lewandowski SJ, Zieliński M, Barbanera S, Knapp M, "X-ray characterization of films formed by pulsed laser deposition on cold substrates from YBaCuO targets" Acta Physica Polonica A 101, 787-794 (2002)
Paszkowicz W, Cerny R, Krukowski S, "Rietveld refinement for indium nitride in the 105-295 K range" Powder Diffraction 18, 114-121 (2003)
Paszkowicz W, Knapp M, Bähtz C, Minikayev R, Piszora P, Jiang JZ, Bacewicz R, "Synchrotron X-ray wavelength calibration using a diamond internal standard: application to low-temperature thermal-expansion studies" Journal of Alloys and Compounds 382, 107-111 (2004)
Paszkowicz W, Minikayev R, Piszora P, Knapp M, Bähtz C, Recio JM, Marqués M, Mori-Sánchez P, Gerward L, Jiang JZ, "Thermal expansion of spinel-type Si3N4" Physical Review B 69, 52103-1-4 (2004)
Paszkowicz W, Szuszkiewicz W, Dynowska E, Domagała JZ, Lathe C, "Pressure distribution in a large-anvil pressure cell" Journal of Alloys and Compounds 362, 96-98 (2004)
Paszkowicz P, Kowalski BJ, Görlich EA, Kaszkur Z, "The growing role of synchrotron radiation in physics, chemistry and materials science" Journal of Alloys and Compounds 401, 1-2 (2005)
Paszkowicz W, "Ninety years of powder diffraction: from Birth to Maturity" Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science 5, 115-126 (2006)
Pełka JB, Brust M, Gierłowski P, Paszkowicz W, Schell N, "Structure and conductivity of self-assembled films of gold nanoparticles" Applied Physics Letters (2006, accepted)

@ ostatnio zmodyfikowano 05-07-2006 przez AW


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