PSRS Award

Award 2024

Category I: Dr. Ashutosh S. Wadge for the doctoral dissertation entitled: „Exploring electronic properties of topological semimetals TaAs2 and NbP: crystal growth, electron transport and ARPES studies”.

Category II: Mohammad S. Shakeri, Żaneta Świątkowska-Warkocka, Oliwia Polit, Tatiana Itina, Alexey Maximenko, Joanna Depciuch, Jacek Gurgul, Marzenna Mitura-Nowak, Marcin Perzanowski, Andrzej Dziedziowic and Jaroslaw Nęcki for publication „Aternative local melting solidification of suspended nanoparticles for heterostructure formation enabled by pulsed laser irradiation, published in Advanced Functional Materials (2023, 33, 2304359),

Category III: Prof. Wojciech M. Kwiatek for his activities supporting the development of the Polish synchrotron environment, for many years of work for the Polish SR and FEL user community and popularization of synchrotron research in Poland. Prof. Wojtek M. Kwiatek is a founding member of PSRS, participated in the organization of the ISSRNS and KSUPS conferences as a member of the organizing and program committees. He was the main organizer and chairman of the International XAFS Conference 2018.

  • Prof. Anna Bajorek, UŚ
  • Prof. Ewa Banachowicz, UAM
  • Dr. Joanna Czapla-Masztafiak, IFJ PAN
  • Prof. Krystyna Jabłońska, IF PAN
  • Prof. Paweł Korecki, UJ
  • Prof. Maciej Kozak, UAM & UJ
  • Dr. hab. Joanna Loch, UJ
  • Dr. Edyta Piskorska-Hommel, INTBiS
  • Prof. Radosław Przeniosło, UW
  • Prof. Wojciech Rypniewski, IChB PAN – przewodniczący

1. The aim of the prize is to popularize and award the research in the field of synchrotron radiation including the radiation of free electron lasers, with particular emphasis on research conducted by national scientific and research centers and Polish universities.

2. Prizes are awarded for research in the areas of: physics, chemistry, earth sciences, materials sciences, biology, biochemistry, biophysics and medicine, conducted using the synchrotron radiation beams, and for work and research related to the construction of synchrotron radiation sources and research lines associated with them.

3. The prizes are awarded in three categories:

  • Category I: for doctoral dissertation, defended at a Polish university or in a national scientific unit in the period after the announcement of the previous competition by the date of announcement of the current competition, based on scientific research carried out in the areas described in point 2;
  • Category II: for a scientific or review publication published in the period after the announcement of the previous competition by the date of announcement of the current competition, in a peer-reviewed journal or book, based on scientific research carried out in the areas described in point 2. Temporary online versions will not be considered;
  • Category III: for a popularizing work related to synchrotron radiation or for other activities for the development of the Polish synchrotron community.

4. Prizes are awarded by way of a competition no more than once every two years. Decisions about the call for proposals, each time the Society Board takes up and the President announces a detailed schedule of the recruitment. The announcement of the Board’s decision and the timetable for the call for proposals is distributed to all members of the Society and placed on the website The schedule is announced no later than March 15 of the year preceding the ISSRNS conference.

5. A prerequisite for the acceptance of the application is that:
a) in the case of category I – the author of the submitted dissertation obtained a PhD degree at a Polish university or a national scientific unit [institution];

b) in the case of category II – the first author or correspondent author had affiliation in a national research center or in a Polish university.

c) in the case of category III – the author/authors of the work or the person running the activity had affiliation in a national research or study center or in a Polish university, or was a retired employee of a national research or research center or a Polish university.

6. PSRS membership is not a criterion for accepting the application.

7. The application should be sent electronically to the PSRS Secretary to the following address: The applicant receives an e-mail confirmation of the application.

8. Applications may be submitted individually or in groups by specialists in the field of research as defined in point 2, including PSRS members, the author of the publication or dissertation, or the supervisor of the doctoral thesis.

9. The application for the prize must contain:

a) in the case of category I:

  • an electronic copy of the doctoral dissertation (or www address of the repository if the work is freely available on the network),
  • copies of all reviews of the doctoral dissertation,
  • short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant,
  • certificate of obtaining the doctoral degree (admitted is a confirmed photocopy of the diploma);

b) in the case of category II:

  • an electronic copy of the publication,
  • short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant;

c) in the case of category III:

  • electronic copy of materials related to the submitted work (or www address if the work, or related materials, are unrestrictedly available on the web), or description of the popularizing activity,
  • short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant.

10. The Society Board, after verifying the list of applications, appoints the Chancellery, whose composition it is published on the PSRS website. The Chancellery may appoint experts, depending on the specialization of the submitted works.

11. The Chancellery announces its decision on selecting the Prize Winners or on not awarding the Prize within the specified schedule of the competition. The decision of the Chancellery is posted on the Association’s website. If the winners are selected, the PSRS Secretary will inform the winners in writing or e-mail, in the shortest possible time, about granting them a PSRS award.

12. The Prize Winners will receive diplomas signed by the President of the Society and the Chairman of the Chancellery. The laureate, and in the case of a multi-author publication/work, the team’s representative receives an invitation to deliver a lecture at the ISSRNS conference organized by PSRS and is then released from the conference fee.

13. All issues not covered by these regulations are settled by the PSRS Board.

14. The Regulations are effective from December 12, 2018 in accordance with the Resolution of the PSRS Board from December 12, 2018.

The schedule for this competition is as follows:

  • until September 30, 2024 – call for proposals.
    Applications should be sent to: Applicant will receive an email with confirmation of the application acceptance.
  • until December 31, 2024 – announcement of the Award Committee decision.
The call for proposals for the 1st and 2nd categories under the fourth edition of the PSRS Award competition
includes works from the period from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024.

Award 2022

In 2022, the Committee of the PTPS Award selected the following Winners:

The award for the doctoral dissertation:

dr Katarzyna Małgorzata Kosyl for her thesis :

Structure and Disorder in Rare Earth Borates Ca3RE2(BO3)4: Diffraction Studies under Ambient Conditions and as a Function of Temperature”

The prize awarded for a scientific or review publication:

Joanna I. Loch, Barbara Imiołczyk, Joanna Śliwiak, Anna Wantuch, Magdalena Bejger, Mirosław Gilski and Mariusz Jaskólski, for the article:

Crystal structures of the elusive Rhizobium etli L-asparaginase reveal a peculiar active site.” published in Nature Communications (2021)12:6717

 For the activities devoted to the Polish synchrotron community

Award goes to Prof. Wojciech Paszkowicz for his initiative and decades long editorial work on Bulletin of PSRS Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science, editing post-conference materials as well as for his activity in broadcasting synchrotron radiation science including his role in preparing printed materials -published script book on synchrotron radiation in spectroscopies and structural science (in Polish), and book on synchrotron radiation in solid state physics and chemistry (in print, Polish title :“Promieniowanie synchrotronowe w fizyce i chemii ciała stałego: wybrane zagadnienia”).

dr inż. Joanna Czapla-Masztafiak, IFJ

dr Maciej Jankowski, ESRF

prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Kaszkur, IChF PAN – Committee Chairmen

dr hab. Marcin Klepka, IF PAN

dr Edyta Piskorska-Hommel, INTiBS PAN

prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Piszora, UAM

prof. PG dr hab.inż. Agnieszka Witkowska, PG

dr hab.inż. Anna Wolska, IF PAN – Committee Secretary


The aim of the prize is to popularize and award the research in the field of synchrotron radiation including the radiation of free electron lasers, with particular emphasis on research conducted by national scientific and research centers and Polish universities.


Prizes are awarded for research in the areas of: physics, chemistry, earth sciences, materials sciences, biology, biochemistry, biophysics and medicine, conducted using the synchrotron radiation beams, and for work and research related to the construction of synchrotron radiation sources and research lines associated with them.


The prizes are awarded in three categories:

Category I: for doctoral dissertation, defended at a Polish university or in a national scientific unit in the period after the announcement of the previous competition by the date of announcement of the current competition, based on scientific research carried out in the areas described in point 2;

Category II: for a scientific or review publication published in the period after the announcement of the previous competition by the date of announcement of the current competition, in a peer-reviewed journal or book, based on scientific research carried out in the areas described in point 2. Temporary online versions will not be considered;

Category III: for a popularizing work related to synchrotron radiation or for other activities for the development of the Polish synchrotron community.


Prizes are awarded by way of a competition no more than once every two years. Decisions about the call for proposals, each time the Society Board takes up and the President announces a detailed schedule of the recruitment. The announcement of the Board’s decision and the timetable for the call for proposals is distributed to all members of the Society and placed on the website The schedule is announced no later than March 15 of the year preceding the ISSRNS conference.


A prerequisite for the acceptance of the application is that:

in the case of category I – the author of the submitted dissertation obtained a PhD degree at a Polish university or a national scientific unit [institution];


in the case of category II – the first author or correspondent author had affiliation in a national research center or in a Polish university.


in the case of category III – the author/authors of the work or the person running the activity had affiliation in a national research or study center or in a Polish university, or was a retired employee of a national research or research center or a Polish university.


PSRS membership is not a criterion for accepting the application.


The application should be sent electronically to the PSRS Secretary to the following address: The applicant receives an e-mail confirmation of the application.


Applications may be submitted individually or in groups by specialists in the field of research as defined in point 2, including PSRS members, the author of the publication or dissertation, or the supervisor of the doctoral thesis.


The application for the prize must contain:


in the case of category I:

an electronic copy of the doctoral dissertation (or www address of the repository if the work is freely available on the network),
copies of all reviews of the doctoral dissertation,
short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant,
certificate of obtaining the doctoral degree (admitted is a confirmed photocopy of the diploma);


in the case of category II:

an electronic copy of the publication,
short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant;


in the case of category III:

electronic copy of materials related to the submitted work (or www address if the work, or related materials, are unrestrictedly available on the web), or description of the popularizing activity,
short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant.


The Society Board, after verifying the list of applications, appoints the Chancellery, whose composition it is published on the PSRS website. The Chancellery may appoint experts, depending on the specialization of the submitted works.


The Chancellery announces its decision on selecting the Prize Winners or on not awarding the Prize within the specified schedule of the competition. The decision of the Chancellery is posted on the Association’s website. If the winners are selected, the PSRS Secretary will inform the winners in writing or e-mail, in the shortest possible time, about granting them a PSRS award.


The Prize Winners will receive diplomas signed by the President of the Society and the Chairman of the Chancellery. The laureate, and in the case of a multi-author publication/work, the team’s representative receives an invitation to deliver a lecture at the ISSRNS conference organized by PSRS and is then released from the conference fee.


All issues not covered by these regulations are settled by the PSRS Board.


The Regulations are effective from December 12, 2018 in accordance with the Resolution of the PSRS Board from December 12, 2018.

The schedule for this competition is as follows:

  • until September 30, 2022 – call for proposals.
    Applications should be sent to: or Applicant will receive an email with confirmation of the application acceptance.
  • until January 31, 2023 – announcement of the Award Committee decision.
The call for proposals for the 1st and 2nd categories under the fourth edition of the PSRS Award competition
includes works from the period from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2022.

Award 2020

In 2020, the Committee of the PTPS Award selected the following Winners:


Two equal prizes were awarded for a scientific or review publication:

  1. Yves Kayser, Chris Milne, Pavle Juranić, Leonardo Sala, Joanna Czapla-Masztafiak, Rolf Follath, Matjaž Kavčič, Gregor Knopp, Jens Rehanek, Wojciech Błachucki, Mickaël G Delcey, Marcus Lundberg, Krzysztof Tyrała, Diling Zhu, Roberto Alonso-Mori, Rafael Abela, Jacinto Sá, Jakub Szlachetko,

Core-level nonlinear spectroscopy triggered by stochastic X-ray pulses

Nature Communications 10 (2019) 1


  1. M. Ślęzak, T. Ślęzak, P. Dróżdż, B. Matlak, K. Matlak, A. Kozioł-Rachwał, M. Zając, J. Korecki

How a ferromagnet drives an antiferromagnet in exchange biased CoO/Fe(110) bilayers

Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 889

 For the activities for the synchrotron community

Award for Prof. Andrzej Kisiel, the First President of PTPS, for many years of work to popularize synchrotron research in Poland, as well as for activities for the participation of Poland in the European Synchrotron Radiation Center and the creation of the National Synchrotron Radiation Center in Krakow.


The aim of the prize is to popularize and award the research in the field of synchrotron radiation including the radiation of free electron lasers, with particular emphasis on research conducted by national scientific and research centers and Polish universities.


Prizes are awarded for research in the areas of: physics, chemistry, earth sciences, materials sciences, biology, biochemistry, biophysics and medicine, conducted using the synchrotron radiation beams, and for work and research related to the construction of synchrotron radiation sources and research lines associated with them.


The prizes are awarded in three categories:

Category I: for doctoral dissertation, defended at a Polish university or in a national scientific unit in the period after the announcement of the previous competition by the date of announcement of the current competition, based on scientific research carried out in the areas described in point 2;

Category II: for a scientific or review publication published in the period after the announcement of the previous competition by the date of announcement of the current competition, in a peer-reviewed journal or book, based on scientific research carried out in the areas described in point 2. Temporary online versions will not be considered;

Category III: for a popularizing work related to synchrotron radiation or for other activities for the development of the Polish synchrotron community.


Prizes are awarded by way of a competition no more than once every two years. Decisions about the call for proposals, each time the Society Board takes up and the President announces a detailed schedule of the recruitment. The announcement of the Board’s decision and the timetable for the call for proposals is distributed to all members of the Society and placed on the website The schedule is announced no later than March 15 of the year preceding the ISSRNS conference.


A prerequisite for the acceptance of the application is that:

in the case of category I – the author of the submitted dissertation obtained a PhD degree at a Polish university or a national scientific unit [institution];


in the case of category II – the first author or correspondent author had affiliation in a national research center or in a Polish university.


in the case of category III – the author/authors of the work or the person running the activity had affiliation in a national research or study center or in a Polish university, or was a retired employee of a national research or research center or a Polish university.


PSRS membership is not a criterion for accepting the application.


The application should be sent electronically to the PSRS Secretary to the following address: The applicant receives an e-mail confirmation of the application.


Applications may be submitted individually or in groups by specialists in the field of research as defined in point 2, including PSRS members, the author of the publication or dissertation, or the supervisor of the doctoral thesis.


The application for the prize must contain:


in the case of category I:

an electronic copy of the doctoral dissertation (or www address of the repository if the work is freely available on the network),
copies of all reviews of the doctoral dissertation,
short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant,
certificate of obtaining the doctoral degree (admitted is a confirmed photocopy of the diploma);


in the case of category II:

an electronic copy of the publication,
short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant;


in the case of category III:

electronic copy of materials related to the submitted work (or www address if the work, or related materials, are unrestrictedly available on the web), or description of the popularizing activity,
short justification of the application, prepared by the applicant.


The Society Board, after verifying the list of applications, appoints the Chancellery, whose composition it is published on the PSRS website. The Chancellery may appoint experts, depending on the specialization of the submitted works.


The Chancellery announces its decision on selecting the Prize Winners or on not awarding the Prize within the specified schedule of the competition. The decision of the Chancellery is posted on the Association’s website. If the winners are selected, the PSRS Secretary will inform the winners in writing or e-mail, in the shortest possible time, about granting them a PSRS award.


The Prize Winners will receive diplomas signed by the President of the Society and the Chairman of the Chancellery. The laureate, and in the case of a multi-author publication/work, the team’s representative receives an invitation to deliver a lecture at the ISSRNS conference organized by PSRS and is then released from the conference fee.


All issues not covered by these regulations are settled by the PSRS Board.


The Regulations are effective from December 12, 2018 in accordance with the Resolution of the PSRS Board from December 12, 2018.

The schedule for this competition is as follows:

  • until September 30, 2020 – call for proposals.
    Applications should be sent to: or Applicant will receive an email with confirmation of the application acceptance.

  • until January 31, 2021 – announcement of the Award Committee decision.


The call for proposals for the 1st and 2nd categories under the third edition of the PSRS Award competition
includes works from the period from April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2020.

Award 2018

The Jury of the PSRS Prize decided to award the following prizes in 2018:

The award for the doctoral dissertation

Award for Bartosz Sekuła for a doctoral thesis entitled: “Structural studies of equine serum albumin (ESA) in complexes with ligands of therapeutic significance“.

The award for scientific or review publication

Award for A.J. Morgan, M. Prasciolu, A. Andrejczuk, J. Krzywinski, A. Meents, D. Pennicard, H. Graafsma, A. Barty, R.J. Bean, M. Barthelmess, D. Oberthuer, O. Yefanov, A. Aquila, H. N. Chapman, S. Bajt
for their paper “High numerical aperture multilayer Laue lenses“, Scientific Reports 5:09892 (2015). [Read more]

For the activities for the synchrotron community

Award for Krystyna Ławniczak-Jabłońska for her contribution to organizing Poland’s return to ESRF and Poland’s participation in FEL (Hamburg).

We would like to congratulate all the honored people.

Prof. W. Paszkowicz, IFPAN, jury chair

Dr hab. Mirosław Gilski, UAM

Prof. Bogdan Kowalski, IFPAN

Prof. Maciej Kozak UAM

Prof. Bronisław Orłowski, IFPAN

Dr Zuzanna Pietralik UAM

Prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Piszora, UAM

Prof Wojciech Rypniewski, ICBPAN

Prof. Tomasz Story, IFPAN

Prof. Jacek Szade, UŚ

Dr hab Jakub Szlachetko, IFJPAN

Nagroda PTPS


  1. Nagrody przyznawane są za:

    – badania w dziedzinie fizyki i chemii fazy skondensowanej, nauk materiałowych, biologii, biochemii, biofizyki i medycyny wykonywane z wykorzystaniem wiązek promieniowania generowanych w synchrotronach i laserach na swobodnych elektronach, oraz

    – badania związane z konstrukcją synchrotronów i laserów na swobodnych elektronach.

  2. Kategorie, w których przyznawane są nagrody:
    1. za pracę doktorską, wykonaną (przynajmniej częściowo) i obronioną na polskiej uczelni lub w krajowej jednostce naukowej, opartą na badaniach naukowych wykonanych w dziedzinach opisanych w pkt. 1;
    2. za publikację naukową lub przeglądową w recenzowanym  czasopiśmie lub książce, opartą na badaniach naukowych wykonanych w dziedzinach opisanych w pkt. 1;
    3. za dzieło popularyzatorskie związane z promieniowaniem synchrotronowym lub laserem na swobodnych elektronach lub za inną działalność na rzecz rozwoju środowiska synchrotronowego.
  3. Nagroda przyznawana jest w drodze konkursu, jeden raz w danym roku, autorom (zespołom złożonym z wszystkich autorów w przypadku prac wieloautorskich) za publikacje/dzieła datowane w ciągu trzech lat poprzedzających rok przyznania nagrody. W przypadku nagród za publikację (pkt. 2b) nie będą rozważane tymczasowe wersje online.
  4. Warunkiem koniecznym przyjęcia wniosku jest, aby:
    a) w przypadku kategorii 2a – autor zgłaszanej pracy był doktorantem polskiej uczelni lub krajowej jednostki naukowej;
    b) w przypadku kategorii 2b i 2c –  przynajmniej jeden autor posiadał afiliację w Polsce.
    Członkostwo PTPS nie stanowi kryterium przyjęcia wniosku.
  5. Termin zgłaszania pracy do nagrody upływa z dniem 31 marca danego roku.
  6. Zgłoszenie należy przesłać drogą elektroniczną do Sekretarza PTPS na adres: Zgłaszający otrzymuje emailowe potwierdzenie otrzymania wniosku.
  7. Zgłosić pracę do nagrody mogą indywidualnie lub grupowo specjaliści w dziedzinie badań zdefiniowanych w pkt. 1, w tym członkowie PTPS, sam autor pracy lub promotor pracy doktorskiej.
  8. Zgłoszenie pracy do nagrody musi zawierać:
    a) w przypadku kategorii 2a:
    -elektroniczną kopię rozprawy doktorskiej (lub adres www repozytorium jeśli  praca jest bez ograniczeń dostępna w sieci),
    – kopie wszystkich recenzji rozprawy doktorskiej,
    – krótkie uzasadnienie wniosku przygotowane przez zgłaszającego,
    – zaświadczenie o uzyskaniu stopnia naukowego doktora (dopuszcza się potwierdzoną kserokopię dyplomu);
    b) w przypadku kategorii 2b i 2c:
    –  elektroniczną kopię publikacji, czy serii artykułów, czy materiałów związanych ze zgłaszanym dziełem (lub adres www jeśli dzieło, czy związane z nim materiały, są bez ograniczeń dostępne w sieci),
    – krótkie uzasadnienie wniosku przygotowane przez zgłaszającego.
  9. W terminie do 15 kwietnia danego roku Zarząd, po zweryfikowaniu listy zgłoszeń, powołuje Kapitułę nagrody, której skład publikowany jest na stronie internetowej PTPS. Skład Kapituły będzie wyłaniany corocznie spośród członków Zarządu PTPS oraz ekspertów dobranych w danym roku w zależności od specjalizacji zgłoszonych prac.
  10. Kapituła ogłasza swoją decyzję o wyłonieniu Laureatów nagrody, bądź o nie przyznaniu nagrody w terminie do 15 czerwca danego roku. Decyzja Kapituły zamieszczana jest na stronie www Towarzystwa. W przypadku wyłonienia Laureatów nagrody, Kapituła w tym samym terminie pisemnie lub e-mailowo informuje Laureatów o przyznaniu im nagrody PTPS.
  11. Laureaci nagrody otrzymają dyplomy sygnowane przez Prezesa Towarzystwa i Przewodniczącego Kapituły oraz zaproszenie do wygłoszenia wykładu na jednej z konferencji organizowanych przez  PTPS. Laureat zostaje wówczas zwolniony z opłaty konferencyjnej.
  12. Wszelkie kwestie nieuregulowane tym regulaminem rozstrzyga Kapituła nagrody.


Award 2017

The Jury of the PSRS Award decided to award the following awards in 2017:

The award for the doctoral dissertation

1. Tomasz Giela,for the doctoral dissertation entitled: “LEEM and PEEM electron microscopes
in research and nanostructures “

2. Damian Paliwoda, for the doctoral dissertation entitled: “Intermolecular interactions in compressed crystals”

The award for scientific or review publication

W. Tabiś, Y. Li, M. Le Tacon, L. Braicovich, A. Kreyssig, M. Minola, G.Dellea, E. Weschke, M.J. Veit, 
M. Ramazanoglu, A.I. Goldman, T. Schmitt, G. Ghiringhelli, N. Barisic, M.K. Chan, C.J. Dorow, G. Yu, 
X. Zhao, B. Keimer, M. Greven, za publikację: 
“Charge order and its connection with Fermi-liquid charge transport in a pristine
high-Tc cuprate”, Nature Communication 5 (2014) 5875.

For the activities for the synchrotron community

Marek Stankiewicz,for the contribution to the construction and commissioning of the synchrotron Solaris.

prof. dr hab. Wojciech Paszkowicz (jury chair)

prof. dr hab. Jacek Szade

prof. dr hab. Bogdan Kowalski

prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Piszora

dr hab. inż.  Agnieszka Witkowska

prof. dr hab. inż. Henryk Fiedorowicz

prof. dr hab. Mariusz Jaskólski

prof. dr hab. Andrzej Maziewski

prof. dr hab. Bogdan Pałosz

prof. IFPAN dr hab. Jerzy Pełka 

prof. dr hab. Wojciech Rypniewski

prof. dr hab. Adam Patkowski

prof. dr Paweł Grochulski

Nagroda PTPS


  1. Nagrody przyznawane są za:

    – badania w dziedzinie fizyki i chemii fazy skondensowanej, nauk materiałowych, biologii, biochemii, biofizyki i medycyny wykonywane z wykorzystaniem wiązek promieniowania generowanych w synchrotronach i laserach na swobodnych elektronach, oraz

    – badania związane z konstrukcją synchrotronów i laserów na swobodnych elektronach.

  2. Kategorie, w których przyznawane są nagrody:
    1. za pracę doktorską, wykonaną (przynajmniej częściowo) i obronioną na polskiej uczelni lub w krajowej jednostce naukowej, opartą na badaniach naukowych wykonanych w dziedzinach opisanych w pkt. 1;
    2. za publikację naukową lub przeglądową w recenzowanym  czasopiśmie lub książce, opartą na badaniach naukowych wykonanych w dziedzinach opisanych w pkt. 1;
    3. za dzieło popularyzatorskie związane z promieniowaniem synchrotronowym lub laserem na swobodnych elektronach lub za inną działalność na rzecz rozwoju środowiska synchrotronowego.
  3. Nagroda przyznawana jest w drodze konkursu, jeden raz w danym roku, autorom (zespołom złożonym z wszystkich autorów w przypadku prac wieloautorskich) za publikacje/dzieła datowane w ciągu trzech lat poprzedzających rok przyznania nagrody. W przypadku nagród za publikację (pkt. 2b) nie będą rozważane tymczasowe wersje online.
  4. Warunkiem koniecznym przyjęcia wniosku jest, aby:
    a) w przypadku kategorii 2a – autor zgłaszanej pracy był doktorantem polskiej uczelni lub krajowej jednostki naukowej;
    b) w przypadku kategorii 2b i 2c –  przynajmniej jeden autor posiadał afiliację w Polsce.
    Członkostwo PTPS nie stanowi kryterium przyjęcia wniosku.
  5. Termin zgłaszania pracy do nagrody upływa z dniem 31 marca danego roku.
  6. Zgłoszenie należy przesłać drogą elektroniczną do Sekretarza PTPS na adres: Zgłaszający otrzymuje emailowe potwierdzenie otrzymania wniosku.
  7. Zgłosić pracę do nagrody mogą indywidualnie lub grupowo specjaliści w dziedzinie badań zdefiniowanych w pkt. 1, w tym członkowie PTPS, sam autor pracy lub promotor pracy doktorskiej.
  8. Zgłoszenie pracy do nagrody musi zawierać:
    a) w przypadku kategorii 2a:
    -elektroniczną kopię rozprawy doktorskiej (lub adres www repozytorium jeśli  praca jest bez ograniczeń dostępna w sieci),
    – kopie wszystkich recenzji rozprawy doktorskiej,
    – krótkie uzasadnienie wniosku przygotowane przez zgłaszającego,
    – zaświadczenie o uzyskaniu stopnia naukowego doktora (dopuszcza się potwierdzoną kserokopię dyplomu);
    b) w przypadku kategorii 2b i 2c:
    –  elektroniczną kopię publikacji, czy serii artykułów, czy materiałów związanych ze zgłaszanym dziełem (lub adres www jeśli dzieło, czy związane z nim materiały, są bez ograniczeń dostępne w sieci),
    – krótkie uzasadnienie wniosku przygotowane przez zgłaszającego.
  9. W terminie do 15 kwietnia danego roku Zarząd, po zweryfikowaniu listy zgłoszeń, powołuje Kapitułę nagrody, której skład publikowany jest na stronie internetowej PTPS. Skład Kapituły będzie wyłaniany corocznie spośród członków Zarządu PTPS oraz ekspertów dobranych w danym roku w zależności od specjalizacji zgłoszonych prac.
  10. Kapituła ogłasza swoją decyzję o wyłonieniu Laureatów nagrody, bądź o nie przyznaniu nagrody w terminie do 15 czerwca danego roku. Decyzja Kapituły zamieszczana jest na stronie www Towarzystwa. W przypadku wyłonienia Laureatów nagrody, Kapituła w tym samym terminie pisemnie lub e-mailowo informuje Laureatów o przyznaniu im nagrody PTPS.
  11. Laureaci nagrody otrzymają dyplomy sygnowane przez Prezesa Towarzystwa i Przewodniczącego Kapituły oraz zaproszenie do wygłoszenia wykładu na jednej z konferencji organizowanych przez  PTPS. Laureat zostaje wówczas zwolniony z opłaty konferencyjnej.
  12. Wszelkie kwestie nieuregulowane tym regulaminem rozstrzyga Kapituła nagrody.